Getting Started with Rust in 2024

Rust is an open-source system and general-purpose programming language and is syntactically similar to C++.

This language is specifically used for kernel development for operating systems, game engines for video games, and browser engines for web browsers like Firefox, Chrome also for command line tools.

Power of Rust Programming

Here are some of the most common and major features of Rust language that make it a popular programming language in recent years.

1. Memory Safety

Basically, without memory safety, a program can crash unexpectedly so, the rust came up with a memory safety feature that prevented the crashing and ensured the memory safety.

2. Concurrency

Rust can run multiple programs simultaneously. However, they cannot modify the same value at the same time. This ensures all the programs can safely run concurrently with performance.

3. Performance

Rust is fast, smooth and requires less memory, Just like C++. So rust cannot compromise performance.

Rust Online Compiler

Rust offers an online compiler for compiling the code. And It is very easy so, you can just start writing your code and compile it peacefully.

So, you don’t have to understand the installation process. which might be very confusing and time-consuming, especially at the beginning when you write your first code and try it out rust.

Once you are comfortable with the syntax, you can start the installation and write code locally.

Install Rust on your PC

First, you need a command-line installer called rustup. The installation of rustup is different for different operating systems.

Note: In windows, you might need to include Rust in your %PATH% system variable

Let’s check, if we have correctly installed Rust or not.

$ rustc --version


rustc 1.60.0 (9d1b2106e 2024-01-24)

If you get this output, then the installation is done correctly


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